About Us

Premier Dent International was established in April 1998 as an exclusive importer of DFS Diamon GmbH Germany. We took up the challenges to bring a new generation Clinical & Lab consumables in India.With the aim of bringing the best products at affordable prices, PDI further collaborated with Dr Jean Bausch Germany, Nobil Metal Italy; W&P Germany; Ceka Preci-line Swiss, Major Dental Italy, Resista Italy, VOPBulgaria, Wohlwend AG Lichenstein, Detax Germany.

We have developed a net work of distributors in most of the States ofIndia and are expanding it further so that majority of people in Dentalfield can get aware of our range. Today the Premier Dent International isknown for its Quality, Affordability & Services.

To make sure with the quality of products, they are tested in certainClinics & Dental Labs before they are being launched in the IndianMarket.The company has an advisory board of leading Dentists and topDental Technicians in India.